To establish requirements and procedures for the inspection of boilers and pressure vessels in order to eliminate employees’ exposure to hazards.
Air Receiver – Any vessel (other than a pipe or coil, or an accessory fitting or part of a compressor) for containing compressed air and which is connected with an air compressor. Any fixed vessel for containing compressed air or compressed exhaust gases that is used for the purpose of starting an internal combustion engine. Any fixed or portable vessel (not being part of a spraying pistol) used for the purpose of spraying, by means of compressed air, any paint, varnish, lacquer or similar material.
Boiler – A vessel intended for use in heating water or other fluids
Low Pressure Heating Boiler – A boiler operating at a pressure not
exceeding 15 psig or a boiler in which water or other fluid is heated and intended for operation at pressures not exceeding 160 psig or temperatures not exceeding 250 degrees F.
D. Pressure Vessel – A steam receiver or air receiver.
E. Steam Receiver – Any vessel or apparatus (other than a boiler, a steam container, a steam pipe or coil) used for containing steam under pressure greater than atmospheric pressure.
Safety personnel and/or supervisors shall monitor and enforce this policy. Supervisors who refuse to adhere to the requirements of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Fired pressure vessels (boilers) shall be equipped with water level
gauges, pressure gauges, automatic pressure-relief valves, blow down piping, and other safety devices that are approved by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). These safety devices are designed to protect against hazards from overpressure, flameouts, fuel interruptions, low water level, etc.
Boilers and all associated gauges, devices and piping shall be
inspected and tested by an inspector who holds a valid National Board Commission, and shall be in accordance with the following:
Compressed-air receivers and other unfired pressure vessels shall be inspected by an inspector who holds a valid National Board Commission, and shall be in accordance with the following:
All boilers and pressure vessels shall be inspected in accordance with the aforementioned requirements and by a certified inspector.